Brudne myśli .
mmmm ; *
2011-09-18 00:01:23
Aparat: SONY - EXIF↓
Model: DSC-W510
Przysłona: f/2.8
Ogniskowa: 4.7mm
Naświetlanie: 1/25s
ISO: 1600
dzięki chłopcy za odprowadzenie ;d < tuli > : D
Gość: UalrN8WaF3TK
137 miesięcy temu
It was great to meet you at the lake in Florence Oregon. We are the Canadian family with two small girls that were chtacing salamanders. We will follow your blog and enjoy the inspiration! All the best,Steve and Carla
Gość: It was great to meet you at the lake in Florence Oregon. We are the Canadian family with two small girls that were chtacing salamanders. We will follow your blog and enjoy the inspiration! All the best,Steve and Carla
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kiwi ;d
zamysllona: mmm kiwi ;d